Have you ever been beyond the point of exhaustion? Exhaustion is when you are beyond tired. You struggle to keep your eye lids open. At this point you can even become delirious or unaware of what is going on around you. Exhaustion limits someone from being able to focus. Exhaustion is something that we all have experienced at some point in our lives. In Mark 13 Jesus warns us to be aware of the signs of the time. Look around and you can see the signs that Jesus is coming back any day now. Jesus instructed us to stay awake until He comes. Does Jesus expect us to never sleep? No. Jesus was demonstrating the importance of having the right focus in life. Since Jesus could come back any day now, we as His followers must live focused lives for Him. We cannot get caught up in the desires of this world, but we must focus on serving Christ and others. So don’t lose your focus. Stay awake!